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Your path may be set towards the stars, but it's your GAIT that gets you there.

The GAIT Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization determined to support the steps of young minority movers and shakers in the areas of politics and communication, thus continuing the legacy of David Baldwin Barnes.


Through sponsorship, training, education, and mentorship, GAIT seeks to empower the next generation of leaders to climb to new heights. GAIT will promote, support, and fund internships and fellowships with partner organizations to redefine the face of leadership and affect change in our nation’s capitol. Furthermore, GAIT initiatives, including the GAIT Summer Scholar program, equip young minority men with skills in communication, self-expression, and image to create their own brand of success.


In addition to the initiatives, the GAIT Foundation seeks to cultivate a network of professional people whose steps leave a lasting, transformational mark on the world and open a path for others to follow.


Join us in supporting the next generation of Capitol Hill leaders with your gift today!

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